
The foundation aims to contribute to improving the living conditions of children in the Himalayan region by focusing on education and training opportunities. Our attention is focused primarily on children in Nepal and Northern India. Unfortunately there is a lot of child labour in that region, and a substantial number of children spend their lives on the streets, begging. We would like to begin our activities by focusing on Nepal.

In Nepal, 17% of boys and 27% of girls do not attend school, and 40% of all children spend their time working. The quality of education offered by local schools is often quite poor, which is why many children in fourth grade cannot read or write. Some of the children in the poorest areas enter a convent to become a monk or nun. By living in a monastery these children have more chance of receiving clothing, food and education. But because the monasteries are completely dependent on private donations, living conditions there are frequently primitive. At times there is no money for medical care or school supplies, and children often have to share a bed.

Nepal is a developing country and has been receiving development aid for a long time. However, almost 50% of the population still live below the poverty line and only 15% have access to health care. Education, training and information about children are of great importance in order to increase empowerment and help children develop their potential. This will consequently have a positive effect on the development of the whole country.

That is why we are committed to education and training opportunities. We intend working on a project basis, either initiating our own or joining existing projects. Promoting equal opportunities for both boys and girls is important to us.

Any donations received will be used directly for projects. We will personally ensure that the money gets to the right place. The foundation has personal contacts in Nepal. There is a work space available and there are contact persons present who have demonstrated their reliability. The daily cost of the foundation shall be kept as low as possible and all administrators work on a voluntary basis, without receiving any financial compensation.